Home Blog PyRx 0.9.7 Release Announcement
PyRx 0.9.7 Release Announcement PDF Print
Written by Sarkis Dallakian   

We are pleased to announce the release of PyRx 0.9.7. We have upgraded Python interpreter on Windows to 64 bit version that allows users to work with larger molecules. Other major changes in this release include:

For Inverse Virtual Screening with Vina, we now have preferences page where users can specify maximum number of Macromolecules to load.


Added Lipinski Rule of Fives in Open Babel table filter.


Open Bable table now includes logP, number of hydrogen bond donors (#HBD) and acceptors (#HBA) columns.


Implemented Max Runtime in PyRx > Edit > Preferences. Users can change this to terminate all local jobs that take more than Max Runtime (in minutes) to run.


PyRx 0.9.6 users can update to this release using PyRx > Help > Check for Updates... menu. The list of changes for 0.9.6 version is available at PyRx 0.9.6 Release Announcement.

Last Updated on Saturday, 14 October 2017 06:39

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