Please note that this feature requires access to a High-Performance Computing (HPC) cluster. If you already have an HPC cluster setup, which can be very expensive, then you can use the Linux version of PyRx to run on the cluster head node. See, for instance, this link on how Centre for Advanced Computing at Queen’s University is using PyRx.

This option is for users who want to set up HPC in the cloud – https://aws.amazon.com/hpc. You need to have a PBS scheduler running on the cluster and be able ssh/sftp to cluster head nodes with your key pair. See Launch an HPC Cluster for instructions on how to set this up.

Enter Key pair and MasterPublicIP for Host Name or IP address for HPC cluster and click OK. Follow Vina Wizard as you would normally do for Local Execution Mode. PyRx uploads all the files needed, launches Vina jobs, waits for the jobs to finish and downloads the results. When all results are downloaded, terminate your cluster to avoid extra fees. This works for any HPC cluster as long as you can access the head node with an ssh.
We are happy to help you set up an HPC cluster for a fee. Please contact dallakyans@gmail.com to get started.